'We Americans are already seeing signs. Our economy is on the way out. We will become a Third World country'
But how about present Kenya? How about righteousness and justice now in this land by what God raises up through resurrection power?
This is not for our academic interest of what will be in the Millennium. God’s heart is for now, as for then, for exactly the same thing. What will make the Millennium ‘the Millennium’? Righteousness and justice by the power of God in the land… But how shall it come now in Kenya? Or Uganda? Or Africa? The climate, the political climate, the culture is opposite to this. It doesn’t celebrate justice and righteousness. It seeks political advantage through corruption. That’s the way of the world.
But, God is wanting something to spring up in the land. He loves righteousness. Righteousness exalts a nation.
In a world that does not seek justice, does not desire righteousness – but merely does what will get by… Africa is notorious for this, rigged elections, force and intimidation to keep the same political tyrant in power. In Zimbabwe, the recent election, totally rigged so the present dictator wins by an overwhelming majority. People are afraid to go to the polls where these goons might beat you up up, or you’ll be denied a measure of corn or maize [for your vote]. People have been reduced to near starvation by casting out the white farmers from the land and destroying the entire economy so that a man can remain in power who is almost eighty and cannot be dislodged! This is Africa. Typical Africa. Zaire. The Congo. Poverty. The needs. Starvation. The conscription of children to be in the army, required to kill their parents or their own brothers and sisters, or be shot to death themselves. Girls are raped – wholesale! This is Africa. Unjust. Unrighteous.
Can you imagine what it would mean at just one place, one African nation, one portion of that nation [if] righteousness would spring up – and justice?! What is the word for the church in Africa? Poverty and disease, and tyrants who cannot be ousted, violence, children who are ruined before they begin... Lord, what’s the answer? What’s your answer? What program? What can we do? What can we offer? What can we say?
And then, it came at one-thirty in the morning in Sidney, Australia – the gospel is the answer. Faith is the answer. Hope is the answer. The reality of God is the answer. God has made every provision for godliness in life – but have we availed ourselves? Have we appropriated the great gift of Christ? Not just for a succession of Sunday services, but for a branch of righteousness to be raised up in this land, in this Kenya, in this Africa. Can it be that Africa is reserved for this? A testimony to the world? That, where the world expects it least, there God will demonstrate most that his kingdom, that his scepter is a scepter of righteousness, and that it will affect the daily life? The hidden manna will be an extra energy? Because God says righteousness exalts a nation? And will even be a key to an end to poverty? Not because of economic reasons. But because of godly reasons. Because God says righteousness exalts a people, a nation, a ministry, a congregation.
He loves righteousness. And whoever walks in it – God will prosper!
What an answer for Africa! What an answer for poverty in the continent! Instead of requiring the loans of billions of dollars in economic programs! What happens to those billions? They go into the pockets of the dictators. So that when I was in Switzerland and we were driving by a gorgeous estate, so expansive. I said, ‘When does this come to an end? All for one man. All this massed wealth.’ I said, ‘Who owns that?’ I was told the president of Zaire. Our programs have not helped poverty in Africa. We have enriched tyrants while people continue to suffer poverty and disease. It’s not going to come through money and men. God says, righteousness exalts a nation… So-called ‘dark’ Africa will be the greatest light to nations now prosperous through corruption…
We Americans are already seeing signs. Our economy is on the way out. We will become a Third World country ourselves, and we’re not prepared for this. Who will teach us how to live?... You’ll save us in that day by your example. Africa will be a key to the nations when He raises up a righteous branch. So, I want to pray. For Kenya, for Uganda, for the nations that I’ve mentioned in Africa. Now, they are a world scandal, infested with corruption, bribery, rigged elections, men who use force to remain in power, disease, lies. They don’t even acknowledge the rate of AIDS in Zimbabwe! Even in South Africa they call it ‘tuberculosis.’ They hide, they disguise. Unwilling to acknowledge the truth. Lies. While the people are PERISHING!'
- Nairobi (2005)